Minou Hexspoor Coaching 


A tailor-made Leadership Development Plan including the famous ELI Assessment recommended by Forbes, individual coaching, online and real life learning.

Coaching for the bold and brave who take life in their own hands and look for the magic. Who have strayed off the common path and cut out their own.

65+ Coaching – Social challenges have been a serious subject during corona time. This  life phase comes with so many of its own difficulties and opportunities.

Utilizing my experiences and background in psychology, social work, pedagogy, leadership and coaching, I offer on-the-spot sessions for professional coaches.

Looking for a helpful conversation?

From Overwhelm to Self Care

Transform overwhelm into a happier work-life balance step by step in just 14 days with this simple and practical guide.

Download the E-book:
Create your Work-Life Balance in just 14 Days!
