Minou Hexspoor Coaching

Team Performance

Minou Hexspoor Coaching

Team Performance

Dealing with overwhelm and stress?
Join the 7-Step Program to Lead with Power & Passion from a place of Joy and Self-care, regardless highly stressful environments!

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Become The Ideal Team with Team Coaching

Creating teams consisting professionals who speak the same language when it comes to their Team Performance, is crucial in managing success.

The Energy Team Development System does just that.

It is firmly rooted in Seven Levels of Team Functioning, and will catapult your team’s energy and performance to a level that reflects its real potential.

The most successful teams in the world truly enjoy what they do. In fact, when asked, they consistently say that they feel they rarely ever ‘work’, and rather perceive their work environment as a place to make a difference and find professional meaning.

The Result of Energy Leadership?

More Production, less effort, with more fulfillment!


Team Performance


Team Coaching & Development including the famour ELI Assessment recommended by Forbes, group coaching and online and on-the-job learning.

For Who:            

Management teams, department/project teams & cross-sections of organizations

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