No Coach Needed

Whenever I talk with people about what it is I do, one of the most frequent questions I’m asked is: why would someone need a coach? The thing is, that I truly believe no one needs a coach. We are all skillful human beings who make choices, go through our days and will go forward one way or the other, to wherever that is. I believe in the power of people, of what they dream of and can accomplish. I believe in the resilience and strength of people, no matter what they have gone through. In the past I have worked with teenagers who were victims of sexual abuse, and with refugee families in camps in Lebanon, who lost everything. If I am convinced of anything, it is the power people possess to make things work whatever comes their way. People are immensely capable. So do you need a coach? No, I don’t think you do.

Coach Wanted

Whether you should work with a coach or not, however, is about asking the right question: Do I want a coach. And to that, there is a whole different answer. Working with a coach has a number of advantages that you don’t need, but that you might really want! Think about a coach like this: a partnership with someone on any issue relevant to you.

3 simple examples:

1. Are you an entrepreneur with too little time and too many things to do?

Imagine having someone on your side who helps you on a weekly basis to review progress, adjust where needed, define priorities and strategies and who is on your side throughout the process! A partner and a sounding board. You do not have to do this alone.

“I wish I knew about coaching at a younger age. Looking back, I surely would have called a coach for life and business issues forty years ago, since I needed an eye opener, and me opening up to a person that does not share my business nor life with me, but can make me rethink stubborn decisions that made me lose a lot on all levels. I think things would have been really different had I had a coach on my side.” – Mick R., Retired CEO

Return on Investment

Coaching generates learning and clarity for forward action with a commitment to measurable outcomes.The vast majority of companies (86%) say they at least made their investment back.

2. Are you a parent with an international life, struggling with the development of your children and how to best deal with it? Imagine a confidant with whom you can safely talk about what is going on, how to improve things and regain control over the situations you feel are slipping through your fingers.

“You know, the few changes I have made just in the past few weeks since I started working with a coach, had such an impact on our family life. I wouldn’t have thought that was possible two months ago.” – Caren D., Team Manager, wife and mother of four

Positive People

Building self-confidence is critical in meeting organizational demands.

  • Improved Self Confidence 80% 80%
  • Improved Relationships 73% 73%
  • Improved Communication Skills 72% 72%
  • Improved Work-Life Balance 67% 67%
3. Are you a professional who works way more than you should and just can’t get that work-life balance thing under control? Imagine someone to sit down with, to share your feelings of overwhelm with, someone who can really look at things from the outside and help you see what is going on and how you can truly change this situation into something fulfilling instead of overwhelming!

“Finally. I don’t know how I did it. But somewhere on the horizon I see things changing. I can’t remember the last time I felt this excited that there is a way to achieve balance in my life. And if there is anything I need, it is that!” – Margeret W., Director, coaching client

Increased Productivity

Professional coaching maximizes potential and, therefore, unlocks latent sources of productivity.

It is not so difficult to see why it would be desirable to work with a coach in the examples mentioned above.

A coach is THE person to have on your side who does not judge you, who is there for you and for what is going on in your life fully, someone who will help you see all crucial aspects and someone who will be on your side when you create the change! 

99% is satisfied with the overall experience 96% would repeat the process

Satisfied Clients

Virtually all companies and individuals who hire a coach are satisfied.

Professional coaching may bring many wonderful benefits


  • Fresh perspectives on personal challenges
  • Enhanced decision-making skills
  • Greater interpersonal effectiveness
  • Increased confidence
  • Appreciable improvement in productivity
  • Satisfaction with life and work
  • Attainment of relevant goals.

That sounds fantastic and it actually really is. Through commitment and actually making it happen. We all know that building real and lasting change is not an easy thing to do and not in the least a scary process. So why not do that with someone who’s got your back?  


[1] ICF Global Coaching Client Study by PricewaterhouseCoopers

Now, I am a coach myself, so I can hear you think that obviously I would be promoting coaching. There is actually two things to that: 1. I became a coach because after my own professional experiences I became convinced that a qualified coach can help you get the absolute best out of yourself, and 2. because I’m so convinced of the power of the coaching process, that I have a coach myself. Every few months I choose a subject I want to work on, I connect with a coach who specializes in that particular area, and we get it going. Fast, effective and focused. It is my obligation as a coach to commit myself to constant self-improvement and learning and I wouldn’t want it any other way.


The Nomad Coach

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