Minou Hexspoor Coaching
Minou Hexspoor Coaching

If you want to develop yourself further into a Conscious, Authentic and Empathetic Leader who runs their organization successfully and sustainably, you have come to the right place.
The Coaching Leader – From Concept to Practice
Current approaches in business, organizations and leadership are rarely meeting the needs and desires of the world today. Establishing different results and ways of working, require a new approach and a different kind of leadership.
Our coaching and training programs help leaders and professionals bring out their intrinsic power, and create healthy and highly inspiring teams that are a vital asset to the organization, community and stakeholders. Leaders learn to be radically responsible, self-aware, and focused on building a we-culture.
Our work is based on the belief that Functional Empathy™, Emotional Intelligence and a Coaching Culture are the roots of any organizational growth process and lasting success. How we show up collectively every day, defines how we lead ourselves, how we lead others, how we impact our communities and, eventually, the world.
You too, are a contribution to that collective every single day, and we are here to help you bring out the best version of yourself, purposely driven by your skills and potential. Why? So you can do the same for others; to perform, to thrive, to manifest and lift your organization to the next level.

Training Content
During the first part of the training, you learn to understand who you are and aspire to be as an optimal leader. You discover how you lead today and why, the role your belief systems play, and the values you choose to lead with. This results in the creation of an individual and unique leadership vision and leadership development plan.
This includes the Energy Leadership Index Assessment, recommended by Forbes, providing “a unique lens on self-awareness and emotional intelligence, two key ingredients for any leader. Situational awareness of yourself and others is critical for a leader to respond appropriately to the people in their charge. Understanding where you are at any moment and how you respond to stress can make all the difference.”
The second part of the training teaches you how to adopt a Coaching Leadership Style so you can provide adequate support to your team by encouraging learning, taking initiative and collaboration. You learn how to let employees identify strengths and weaknesses and professional development goals and know-how to accelerate the self-development of staff while creating a positive and inspiring organizational/team culture.

The Coaching Leader – From Concept to Practice
Current approaches in business, organizations and leadership are rarely meeting the needs and desires of the world today. Establishing different results and ways of working, require a new approach and a different kind of leadership.
Our coaching and training programs help leaders and professionals bring out their intrinsic power, and create healthy and highly inspiring teams that are a vital asset to the organization, community and stakeholders. Leaders learn to be radically responsible, self-aware, and focused on building a we-culture.
Our work is based on the belief that Functional Empathy™, Emotional Intelligence and a Coaching Culture are the roots of any organizational growth process and lasting success. How we show up collectively every day, defines how we lead ourselves, how we lead others, how we impact our communities and, eventually, the world.
You too, are a contribution to that collective every single day, and we are here to help you bring out the best version of yourself, purposely driven by your skills and potential. Why? So you can do the same for others; to perform, to thrive, to manifest and lift your organization to the next level.

Training Content
During the first part of the training, you learn to understand who you are and aspire to be as an optimal leader. You discover how you lead today and why, the role your belief systems play, and the values you choose to lead with. This results in the creation of an individual and unique leadership vision and leadership development plan.
This includes the Energy Leadership Index Assessment, recommended by Forbes, providing “a unique lens on self-awareness and emotional intelligence, two key ingredients for any leader. Situational awareness of yourself and others is critical for a leader to respond appropriately to the people in their charge. Understanding where you are at any moment and how you respond to stress can make all the difference.”
The second part of the training teaches you how to adopt a Coaching Leadership Style so you can provide adequate support to your team by encouraging learning, taking initiative and collaboration. You learn how to let employees identify strengths and weaknesses and professional development goals and know-how to accelerate the self-development of staff while creating a positive and inspiring organizational/team culture.
Each moment describes Who You Are, and gives you the opportunity to decide if that’s Who You Want to Be
About Minou Hexspoor
During her fifteen relevant professional years, she worked as a coach, consultant, mentor and as international manager in the humanitarian emergency response. She supports leaders with their individual leadership development, soft skills, team & cultural dynamics, creating healthy work environments, depending on individual, team and organizational needs.
She a particular passion towards helping leaders develop Functional Empathy™while establishing healthy boundaries, work-life congruence and lasting self-care, seeing so many professionals crumble and under-perform due to the impact of endless stress.
Needless to say, that her experience with people from all over the world and virtually all socioeconomic backgrounds, serves the work that she does in understanding individual and organizational dynamics within an international or cross border context.
Above all, I believe that we are all collectively contributing to where this world is going. How we show up in our lives and at work every day is the blueprint of our direction.
I invite you to show up with empathy, kindness and compassion, and to use that as the foundation for success and happiness in your life, and the lives of those around you.

Minou Hexspoor & Rianne Franken
About Rianne Franken
Rianne is an ICF ACC credentialed coach who believes that a coaching leadership style can help individuals and teams make significant transformations in their professional lives, which in turn, benefit their personal lives.
Having led and still leading and managing multi-cultural teams in different (and sometimes difficult) contexts, she learned that support, encouragement and focusing on the positives rather than the negatives really get the best out of people. Inspired by her experiences, and her passion for interacting with people, she decided to take doing what she loves a step further and provide coaching and training services to share what she has learned throughout her career.
As a coach and trainer, her goal is to challenge you to get specific on what you want and why. An atmosphere of openness and non-judgment is what you can expect from her. What she asks in return is an open mind and commitment to your own process. You will find that Rianne is curious, dedicated and that she has a great (Dutch) sense of humor.
The R.O.I. for Working with an Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner
Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioners (ELI-MP) are results driven. Your return on investment can be measured by the achievement of your goals, including tangible results that are easily measured such as more income, less time spent working, greater productivity by employees or associates, better reported stakeholder satisfaction and more. Returns can also include less tangible items such as a general sense of control, more peace of mind, joy, and a greater sense of freedom and/or fulfillment.
You should expect a tremendous return on your investment when working with an ELI-MP.
ELI-MPs are professionals who are not only trained and certified in the delivery of the Energy Leadership Development System, but who are also fully trained and certified professional life, small business, and corporate coaches.
Get in touch
Minou Hexspoor
Email: coach@minouhexspoor.com
+961 70 149 522
+31 634 003 996