Minou Hexspoor, PcC, ELI-MP

Founder of Minou Hexspoor Coaching – The Nomad Coach
Certified Leadership & Team Performance Coach
International Entrepreneur & Author
Energy Leadership Index – Master Practitioner

A Personal Note

I know what it is like to work in a complex international environment, to be responsible for the well-being and performance of others and feel deeply overwhelmed by priorities and a never-ending to-do list.

I understand the exhaustion that comes with it. The frustration, doubt, self-blame and anger.

If that sounds like you, there is nothing wrong with you; you are just carrying a lot on your shoulders and maybe it is time for something to change.

I have worked with leaders and teams experiencing all the above, and yes, it is possible to live a healthy and happy life while doing what you do and being who you are.

About Minou

Minou Hexspoor is recognized as a committed coach and mentor to international leaders who are working in complex conditions and dealing with high stress levels and overwhelm, looking to create a durable and effective work and life environment that honors their boundaries and priorities.

Minou’s work with clients focuses on maximizing their ability to lead themselves and others with motivation and inspiration, while keeping priorities, team performance and organizational goals at the forefront.

As a certified coach, Minou has been trained by iPEC (Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching) and is an ICF PCC credentialed Coach.

As one of the largest and top ICF-accredited coach training schools in the world, iPEC’s methodology has a proven track record of success, is based on 30 years of research and development and has been field-tested by some of the best coaches in the business.

She has a background in psychology, pedagogy, social work, sociology and Middle Eastern studies combined with her professional experiences within national country management, humanitarian emergency response and complex systems.

Minou’s coaching provides tools and strategies that create deep insight in and improvement of the mechanisms of people’s work environments on the individual, team and organizational level.

Clients break through inner and outer blocks that are holding them back from success, and gain access to leadership levels that generate vision, opportunity, action and synergy.

Clients discard old, dysfunctional patterns based on fear, doubt and anger, and replace them with new, efficient ones.
This allows them to connect with their powerful, authentic self and what they truly are looking for in their lives.

As a result, Minou’s clients experience a deep, personal and professional transformation, and shift their way of leading, so they can live a healthy and joyful life.

Being Who You Are

How do you find belonging and anchoring without judgement and self-blame?

How do you embrace the love-hate relationship you have with how you deal with stress?

How do you create and sustain the life you long for?

Make It Happen

From Overwhelm to Self Care

Transform overwhelm into a happier work-life balance step by step in just 14 days with this simple and practical guide.

Download the E-book:
Create your Work-Life Balance in just 14 Days!
