Table of Contents
What is Burnout?
Burnout is a syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. It is characterized by three dimensions: 1) feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion; 2) increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job; and 3) reduced professional efficacy. -WHO
Some facts about Burnout
Mapping Overwhelm & Stress
The first step of addressing overwhelm and stress is getting super clear on where it comes from. Work related overwhelm usually comes from three different angles: self-doubt, interactions with others and/or too many responsibilities/to-dos on your plate.Mapping how overwhelm manifests in your life can provide immense insights in the mechanisms that developed in your environment that generate stress. How can you map overwhelm? Read more…
Prevention of Burnout
Prevention starts with acknowledgement and awareness. Prevention is not an external phenomenon that magically improves realities. It is a way forward that requires open conversation and engagement of all parties involved. A way forward that stimulates the reduction of burnout stigma. A way forward that requires conscious choice by organizations and their staff to build a) an open and ongoing conversation; b) (self-)evaluation skills of staff to assess psychological needs; c) coping skills and mental resilience, and most of all d) a monitoring & support system that is ingrained in the way we work as organizations. Read more… (although directed at the humanitarian sector, but relevant for both profit and non-profit sectors)
Maybe you recognize yourself or others working for your organization, and the overload of priorities and never-ending to-do lists that suck the life out of everything else. If so, you’re probably also continuously running behind with addressing core priorities, and maybe you even forgot what it is like to feel calm and happy to let go of work when it is time to go home… Read more…
Work Life Balance
These numbers are no joke and a serious invitation for organizations to look at how they are actively addressing work related stress. An invitation to respond to challenges around employee-wellbeing. An invitation to deal with excessive amount of funds lost to cover for the consequences of work environments that seem far from optimal both on the level of employee satisfaction and hard cash flow. Read more…
Source: Forbes on Burnout
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